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Company Incorporation in South Korea / Japan / Indonesia and other Asian countries


Our core region is South Korea and Japan. 


1. Type of Company:  Shareholding / LLC

2. Purpose of Business: 

    We can help you what you like to do your business. Please, consult with us. 

3. Time schedule:

    In a case of incorporation in South Korea, it will take 2 or 3 weeks to complete all process of incorporation         

   (Incorporation - Tax number registration - Corporate Bank account)  

    after we got all signed documents from our client. 

4. Pricing: Please, contact our consultants to customize your needs.



  • Branch Office Setup in South Korea / Japan / Indonesia and other Asian countries

  • Purpose of Business:  We can help you what you like to do your business. Please, consult with us. 

  • Time schedule: In a case of Branch Office in South Korea, it will take 6 or 8 weeks to complete all process of setup    a branch office (Branch office application - Incorporation - Tax number registration - Corporate Bank account)  after we got all signed documents from our client. 


  • When investing in foreign country, we need to study all conditions in that region such as regulation, safety, market environment and etc. 

  • We are supporting our clients to have better understanding and to build practical business plan and to help our client's investment execution. 

  • Our professionals and partners are providing in-depth analysis of local market and the latest business information.   

  • We are also ready to meet you by online meeting room in order to understand more clearly what our client needs.



  • When investing crypto currency at foreign country, you need to evaluate all conditions in that region such as regulation, safety, market environment and etc. 

  • Recently, South Korea is recognized as a very hot region for crypto currency investment because of local investors' strong passion to crypto currency.   

  • Some of our clients is studying crypto currency market of South Korea and some clients have started to build their business entity in South Korea for trading crypto currency. 

  • We are supporting crypto currency business in South Korea and other Asian countries for your business. 

  • If you are interested in getting more information, please, contact us. â€‹

  • Recently, we released a market environment report of crypto currency trend in South Korea for our client. There is quite strong interest from our clients. So, we studied latest regulation, government policy, and relationship between crypto currency exchanges and banks. 


  • We are able to support your complicate requirements with many other solutions. 

  • Our professionals are designing the various efficient strategy for your business goal in remote region. 

  • Let us know what your specific requirements and needs are. 


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